Thursday, February 9, 2017

Phoenix VA Hospital Sees No Improvement 3 Years After Scandal Hits

Years after thirty-five United States veterans passed away while waiting to receive treatment, the VA hospital in Phoenix, Arizona still proves to be a failure.  For those who are unaware of the original scandal concerning the Phoenix VA hospital, in 2014 an unusual amount of funds were being poured into the hospital (over $100,000,000 a year), however the hospital's already poor care only seemed to get worse.  

Today, nearly three years after this scandal hit, there has been little to no improvement regarding the way our veterans are being treated.  Rima Nelson, the current head of the Phoenix VA, appeared to be dodging questions in an interview Fox News (interview can be found in the link below).  I encourage you to check out the full article as it is informative and deals with an important issue that is often overlooked.


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