Friday, April 14, 2017

Colleague Work Comment #1.

I am commenting on my classmates blog post titled, "The Wall To Be, Or Not To Be, - That Is The Question."  While my classmate did present good points in expressing his opposition President Trump's border wall, I must say I respectfully disagree.  Illegal immigration is a huge problem in the United States, we have let this issue slide by for too long and now it has gotten out of control.  If we enforced our immigration laws in the first place, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today.  However, we are in this situation and there is no better option that has been proposed other than building a border wall.  Many people say that a wall will not do any good, that it can be crossed too easily and we really will not be fixing anything, but there is actually quite more to this wall than meets the eye.  President Trump had stated that the wall will be drone enforced, along with a great number of border patrol agents with the authority to take the appropriate action if need be.  Will the border wall completely fix all illegal immigration? No.  However, due to the mere thought of the wall and consequences for illegal immigration, illegal immigration has gone down nearly 70% since Trump took the white house.  That alone should say something.  People are realizing that the United States now has a leader that will do what he says rather that tiptoe around options.  During the race for the presidency, then candidate Trump stated,  "If I draw a line in the sand, I will enforce that line in the sand, believe me!" 

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