On Thursday, North Korea yet again released another propaganda video. This time showing the White House in crosshairs. Taunting videos from North Korea is no new news to us, they've been putting out controversial material and making bogus threats for years. However, things are especially tense this time as the U.S. has been urging China to tighten down on the country. The two and a half minute propaganda video shows a massive military parade, followed by footage of missile tests and a burning American flag with the White House in crosshairs. The video also shows a backdrop that says "We will show you what a strong country that leads the world in nuclear and missile technology is capable of." I think it is fair to include the fact that North Korea is believed to possess only 8 to 10 nuclear weapons while the Unites States possesses around several thousand.
Although North Korea has been making threats for years, we should not continue to sit there and allow them to continue taunting us until they act. They continue to put out controversial videos, conduct missile tests, and incarcerate any American they can find without reasonable cause. North Korea is run by a coward, Kim Jong-un has run his country with fear and propaganda. Millions of the North Korean people have been starved to death in order to fund Kim Jong-un's nuclear ambitions all while living under whatever lies are fed to them by their government. These same propaganda techniques will not work on the rest of the world, it is time for something to be done to stop the mockery of the United States and the oppression of the North Korean people.
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